HttpContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. The ByteRangeStreamContent supports one or more byte ranges regardless of whether the ranges are consecutive or not. If there is only one range then a single partial response body containing a Content-Range header is generated. If there are more than one ranges then a multipart/byteranges response is generated where each body part contains a range indicated by the associated Content-Range header field.
HttpContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. If none of the requested ranges overlap with the current extend of the selected resource represented by the content parameter then an InvalidByteRangeException is thrown indicating the valid Content-Range of the content.
public ByteRangeStreamContent(Stream content, RangeHeaderValue range, string mediaType, int bufferSize)
HttpContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. If none of the requested ranges overlap with the current extend of the selected resource represented by the content parameter then an InvalidByteRangeException is thrown indicating the valid Content-Range of the content.
public ByteRangeStreamContent(Stream content, RangeHeaderValue range, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType)
HttpContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. If none of the requested ranges overlap with the current extend of the selected resource represented by the content parameter then an InvalidByteRangeException is thrown indicating the valid Content-Range of the content.
public ByteRangeStreamContent(Stream content, RangeHeaderValue range, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType, int bufferSize)
HttpContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. If none of the requested ranges overlap with the current extend of the selected resource represented by the content parameter then an InvalidByteRangeException is thrown indicating the valid Content-Range of the content.