<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" Version="5.0.0-rc1" />


Namespace with 21 public types


 ContentNegotiationResult Represents the result of content negotiation performed using <see cref="M:System.Net.Http.Formatting.IContentNegotiator.Negotiate(System.Type,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter})" />
 DefaultContentNegotiator The default implementation of , which is used to select a for an or .
 DelegatingEnumerable`1 Helper class to serialize <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> types by delegating them through a concrete implementation."/&gt;.
 FormDataCollection Represent the collection of form data.
 FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter class for handling HTML form URL-ended data, also known as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
 JsonMediaTypeFormatter Represents the class to handle JSON.
 MediaTypeFormatterCollection Represents a collection class that contains instances.
 MediaTypeFormatterMatch This class describes how well a particular matches a request.
 QueryStringMapping Class that provides s from query strings.
 RequestHeaderMapping This class provides a mapping from an arbitrary HTTP request header field to a used to select instances for handling the entity body of an or . <remarks>This class only checks header fields associated with for a match. It does not check header fields associated with or instances.</remarks>
 XmlHttpRequestHeaderMapping A that maps the X-Requested-With http header field set by AJAX XmlHttpRequest (XHR) to the media type application/json if no explicit Accept header fields are present in the request.
 XmlMediaTypeFormatter class to handle Xml.


 MediaTypeFormatterMatchRanking Contains information about the degree to which a matches the explicit or implicit preferences found in an incoming request.

Static Classes


Abstract Classes

 BufferedMediaTypeFormatter Represents a helper class to allow a synchronous formatter on top of the asynchronous formatter infrastructure.
 MediaTypeFormatter Base class to handle serializing and deserializing strongly-typed objects using .
 MediaTypeMapping An abstract base class used to create an association between or instances that have certain characteristics and a specific .


 IContentNegotiator Performs content negotiation. This is the process of selecting a response writer (formatter) in compliance with header values in the request.
 IFormatterLogger Specifies a callback interface that a formatter can use to log errors while reading.
 IRequiredMemberSelector Defines method that determines whether a given member is required on deserialization.