<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" Version="4.0.20505" />


Namespace with 18 public types


 DelegatingEnumerable`1 Helper class to serialize <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> types by delegating them through a concrete implementation."/&gt;.
 FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter class for handling HTML form URL-ended data, also known as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
 JsonMediaTypeFormatter class to handle Json.
 MediaRangeMapping Class that provides s for a request or response from a media range.
 MediaTypeFormatterCollection Collection class that contains instances.
 QueryStringMapping Class that provides s from query strings.
 RequestHeaderMapping This class provides a mapping from an arbitrary HTTP request header field to a used to select instances for handling the entity body of an or . <remarks>This class only checks header fields associated with for a match. It does not check header fields associated with or instances.</remarks>
 XmlMediaTypeFormatter class to handle Xml.

Static Classes

 MediaTypeFormatterExtensions Extensions for adding items to a .

Abstract Classes

 BufferedMediaTypeFormatter Helper class to allow a synchronous formatter on top of the async formatter infrastructure. This does not guarantee non-blocking threads. The only way to guarantee that we don't block a thread on IO is: a) use the async form, or b) fully buffer the entire write operation. The user opted out of the async form, meaning they can tolerate potential thread blockages. This class just tries to do smart buffering to minimize that blockage. It also gives us a place to do future optimizations on synchronous usage.
 MediaTypeFormatter Base class to handle serializing and deserializing strongly-typed objects using .
 MediaTypeMapping An abstract base class used to create an association between or instances that have certain characteristics and a specific .

