<PackageReference Include="Castle.Core" Version="5.2.1" />


public interface ILogger
Manages logging.
bool IsDebugEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "debug" will be logged.

bool IsErrorEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "error" will be logged.

bool IsFatalEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "fatal" will be logged.

bool IsInfoEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "info" will be logged.

bool IsTraceEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "trace" will be logged.

bool IsWarnEnabled { get; }

Determines if messages of priority "warn" will be logged.

ILogger CreateChildLogger(string loggerName)

Create a new child logger. The name of the child logger is [current-loggers-name].[passed-in-name]

void Debug(string message)

Logs a debug message.

void Debug(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs a debug message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsDebugEnabled is true.

void Debug(string message, Exception exception)

Logs a debug message.

void DebugFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs a debug message.

void DebugFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs a debug message.

void DebugFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a debug message.

void DebugFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a debug message.

void Error(string message)

Logs an error message.

void Error(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs an error message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsErrorEnabled is true.

void Error(string message, Exception exception)

Logs an error message.

void ErrorFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs an error message.

void ErrorFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs an error message.

void ErrorFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs an error message.

void ErrorFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs an error message.

void Fatal(string message)

Logs a fatal message.

void Fatal(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs a fatal message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsFatalEnabled is true.

void Fatal(string message, Exception exception)

Logs a fatal message.

void FatalFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs a fatal message.

void FatalFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs a fatal message.

void FatalFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a fatal message.

void FatalFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a fatal message.

void Info(string message)

Logs an info message.

void Info(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs a info message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsInfoEnabled is true.

void Info(string message, Exception exception)

Logs an info message.

void InfoFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs an info message.

void InfoFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs an info message.

void InfoFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs an info message.

void InfoFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs an info message.

void Trace(string message)

Logs a trace message.

void Trace(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs a trace message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsTraceEnabled is true.

void Trace(string message, Exception exception)

Logs a trace message.

void TraceFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs a trace message.

void TraceFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs a trace message.

void TraceFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a trace message.

void TraceFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a trace message.

void Warn(string message)

Logs a warn message.

void Warn(Func<string> messageFactory)

Logs a warn message with lazily constructed message. The message will be constructed only if the IsWarnEnabled is true.

void Warn(string message, Exception exception)

Logs a warn message.

void WarnFormat(string format, object[] args)

Logs a warn message.

void WarnFormat(Exception exception, string format, object[] args)

Logs a warn message.

void WarnFormat(IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a warn message.

void WarnFormat(Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format, object[] args)

Logs a warn message.