<PackageReference Include="Castle.Core" Version="4.4.0" />


public static readonly ProxyGenerationOptions Default

public Type BaseTypeForInterfaceProxy { get; set; }

public bool HasMixins { get; }

public IProxyGenerationHook Hook { get; set; }

public MixinData MixinData { get; }

public IInterceptorSelector Selector { get; set; }

Initializes a new instance of the ProxyGenerationOptions class.

Initializes a new instance of the ProxyGenerationOptions class.

public void AddDelegateMixin(Delegate delegate)

Adds a delegate to be mixed into generated proxies. The delegate will act as the target for calls to a `Invoke` method with a signature matching that of the delegate.

public void AddDelegateTypeMixin(Type delegateType)

Adds a delegate type to the list of mixins that will be added to generated proxies. That is, generated proxies will have a `Invoke` method with a signature matching that of the specified delegateType.

public void AddMixinInstance(object instance)

public void Initialize()

public object[] MixinsAsArray()