Castle.Core.dll Assembly with 18 public namespaces (435,712 bytes) Castle.Components.DictionaryAdapter with 85 public types Castle.Components.DictionaryAdapter.Xml with 89 public types Castle.Core with 8 public types Castle.Core.Configuration with 5 public types Castle.Core.Configuration.Xml with 1 public types Castle.Core.Internal with 7 public types Castle.Core.Logging with 22 public types Castle.Core.Resource with 17 public types Castle.Core.Smtp with 2 public types Castle.DynamicProxy with 21 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Contributors with 27 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators with 31 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.Emitters with 19 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.Emitters.CodeBuilders with 3 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.Emitters.SimpleAST with 42 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Internal with 6 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Serialization with 2 public types Castle.DynamicProxy.Tokens with 8 public types Frameworks net35 net40-client net45 netstandard1.3