<PackageReference Include="newtonsoft.json" Version="3.5.8" />


Namespace with 22 public types


 CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names.
 DefaultContractResolver Used by to resolves a for a given .
 DefaultSerializationBinder The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names.
 DynamicValueProvider Get and set values for a using dynamic methods.
 ErrorContext Provides information surrounding an error.
 ErrorEventArgs Provides data for the Error event.
 JsonArrayContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonDictionaryContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonISerializableContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonLinqContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonObjectContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonPrimitiveContract Contract details for a used by the .
 JsonProperty Maps a JSON property to a .NET member.
 JsonPropertyCollection A collection of objects.
 JsonStringContract Contract details for a used by the .
 OnErrorAttribute When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object.
 ReflectionValueProvider Get and set values for a using reflection.

Abstract Classes

 JsonContract Contract details for a used by the .


 IContractResolver Used by to resolves a for a given .
 IReferenceResolver Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the .
 IValueProvider Provides methods to get and set values.