<PackageReference Include="System.Security.AccessControl" Version="4.6.0-preview9.19416.11" />


Specifies the type of access control modification to perform. This enumeration is used by methods of the ObjectSecurity class and its descendents.
Add = 0

Add the specified authorization rule to the access control list (ACL).

Remove = 3

Remove authorization rules that contain the same security identifier (SID) and access mask as the specified authorization rule from the ACL.

Remove authorization rules that contain the same SID as the specified authorization rule from the ACL.

Remove authorization rules that exactly match the specified authorization rule from the ACL.

Reset = 2

Remove authorization rules that contain the same SID as the specified authorization rule from the ACL, and then add the specified authorization rule to the ACL.

Set = 1

Remove all authorization rules from the ACL, then add the specified authorization rule to the ACL.