Represents a security descriptor. A security descriptor includes an owner, a primary group, a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL), and a System Access Control List (SACL).
Gets the revision level of the GenericSecurityDescriptor object.
Gets the length, in bytes, of the binary representation of the current GenericSecurityDescriptor object. This length should be used before marshaling the ACL into a binary array with the GetBinaryForm method.
Gets values that specify behavior of the GenericSecurityDescriptor object.
Gets or sets the primary group for this GenericSecurityDescriptor object.
Gets or sets the owner of the object associated with this GenericSecurityDescriptor object.
Returns a boolean value that specifies whether the security descriptor associated with this GenericSecurityDescriptor object can be converted to the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) format.
Returns an array of byte values that represents the information contained in this GenericSecurityDescriptor object.
Returns the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) representation of the specified sections of the security descriptor that this GenericSecurityDescriptor object represents.