<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.1.1" />


Namespace with 13 public types


 LocalQueryMethodImplementationTypeAttribute Attribute applied to static classes providing expression tree forms of query methods, mapping those to the corresponding methods for local query execution on the specified target class type.
 QueryDebugger (Infrastructure) Implement query debugger services.

Static Classes

 ControlObservable Provides a set of static methods for subscribing to IObservables using Windows Forms controls.
 DispatcherObservable Provides a set of extension methods for scheduling actions performed through observable sequences on UI dispatchers.
 Observable Provides a set of static methods for writing in-memory queries over observable sequences.
 ObservableEx Provides a set of static methods for writing in-memory queries over observable sequences.
 Qbservable Provides a set of static methods for writing queries over observable sequences, allowing translation to a target query language.
 QbservableEx Provides a set of static methods for writing queries over observable sequences, allowing translation to a target query language.
 RemotingObservable Provides a set of static methods for exposing observable sequences through .NET Remoting.


 IGroupedObservable`2 Represents an observable sequence of elements that have a common key.
 IQbservable Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source wherein the type of the data is not specified.
 IQbservable`1 Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source wherein the type of the data is known.
 IQbservableProvider Defines methods to create and execute queries that are described by an IQbservable object.