<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.0.0-preview.2.build.379" />


Namespace with 15 public types


 CurrentPlatformEnlightenmentProvider (Infrastructure) Provider for platform-specific framework enlightenments.
 DefaultSystemClock (Infrastructure) Provides access to the local system clock.
 HostResumingEventArgs (Infrastructure) Event arguments for host resumption events.
 HostSuspendingEventArgs (Infrastructure) Event arguments for host suspension events.
 PeriodicTimerSystemClockMonitor (Infrastructure) Monitors for system clock changes based on a periodic timer.
 SystemClockChangedEventArgs (Infrastructure) Event arguments for system clock change notifications.

Static Classes

 EnlightenmentProvider Provides access to the platform enlightenments used by other Rx libraries to improve system performance and runtime efficiency. While Rx can run without platform enlightenments loaded, it's recommended to deploy the System.Reactive.PlatformServices assembly with your application and call during application startup to ensure enlightenments are properly loaded.
 HostLifecycleService (Infrastructure) Provides access to the host's lifecycle management services.
 PlatformEnlightenmentProvider (Infrastructure) Provider for platform-specific framework enlightenments.
 SystemClock (Infrastructure) Provides access to local system clock services.


 IExceptionServices (Infrastructure) Services to rethrow exceptions.
 IHostLifecycleNotifications (Infrastructure) Provides notifications about the host's lifecycle events.
 INotifySystemClockChanged (Infrastructure) Provides a mechanism to notify local schedulers about system clock changes.
 IPlatformEnlightenmentProvider (Infrastructure) Interface for enlightenment providers.
 ISystemClock (Infrastructure) Provides access to the local system clock.