<PackageReference Include="System.Diagnostics.EventLog" Version="6.0.0-preview.3.21201.4" />


public sealed class EventLogEntry : Component, ISerializable
Encapsulates a single record in the event log. This class cannot be inherited.
public string Category { get; }

Gets the text associated with the CategoryNumber property for this entry.

public short CategoryNumber { get; }

Gets the category number of the event log entry.

public byte[] Data { get; }

Gets the binary data associated with the entry.

public EventLogEntryType EntryType { get; }

Gets the event type of this entry.

public int EventID { get; }

Gets the application-specific event identifier for the current event entry.

public int Index { get; }

Gets the index of this entry in the event log.

public long InstanceId { get; }

Gets the resource identifier that designates the message text of the event entry.

public string MachineName { get; }

Gets the name of the computer on which this entry was generated.

public string Message { get; }

Gets the localized message associated with this event entry.

public string[] ReplacementStrings { get; }

Gets the replacement strings associated with the event log entry.

public string Source { get; }

Gets the name of the application that generated this event.

public DateTime TimeGenerated { get; }

Gets the local time at which this event was generated.

public DateTime TimeWritten { get; }

Gets the local time at which this event was written to the log.

public string UserName { get; }

Gets the name of the user who is responsible for this event.

public bool Equals(EventLogEntry otherEntry)

Performs a comparison between two event log entries.