<PackageReference Include="System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource" Version="4.3.0-preview1-24530-04" />


public abstract class DiagnosticSource
This is the basic API to 'hook' parts of the framework. It is like an EventSource (which can also write object), but is intended to log complex objects that can't be serialized. Please See the DiagnosticSource Users Guide https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/src/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource/src/DiagnosticSourceUsersGuide.md for instructions on its use.
protected DiagnosticSource()

public abstract bool IsEnabled(string name)

Optional: if there is expensive setup for the notification, you can call IsEnabled before doing this setup. Consumers should not be assuming that they only get notifications for which IsEnabled is true however, it is optional for producers to call this API. The name should be the same as what is passed to Write.

public abstract void Write(string name, object value)

Write is a generic way of logging complex payloads. Each notification is given a name, which identifies it as well as a object (typically an anonymous type) that gives the information to pass to the notification, which is arbitrary. The name should be short (so don't use fully qualified names unless you have to to avoid ambiguity), but you want the name to be globally unique. Typically your componentName.eventName where componentName and eventName are strings less than 10 characters are a good compromise. notification names should NOT have '.' in them because component names have dots and for them both to have dots would lead to ambiguity. The suggestion is to use _ instead. It is assumed that listeners will use string prefixing to filter groups, thus having hierarchy in component names is good.