<PackageReference Include="System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" Version="5.0.0-preview.2.20160.6" />


Namespace with 15 public types


 DelegatingConfigHost Delegates all members of the interface to another instance of a host.
 InternalConfigEventArgs Defines a class that allows the .NET Framework infrastructure to specify event arguments for configuration events.


 IConfigErrorInfo Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support creating error configuration records.
 IConfigSystem Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support the initialization of configuration properties.
 IConfigurationManagerHelper Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support configuration management.
 IConfigurationManagerInternal Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to initialize configuration properties.
 IInternalConfigClientHost Defines interfaces that allow the internal .NET Framework infrastructure to customize configuration.
 IInternalConfigConfigurationFactory Defines the interfaces used by the internal design time API to create a object.
 IInternalConfigHost Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to initialize application configuration properties.
 IInternalConfigRecord Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to support creation of new configuration records.
 IInternalConfigRoot Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to support a configuration root object.
 IInternalConfigSettingsFactory Defines an interface used by the configuration system to set the class.
 IInternalConfigSystem Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to initialize application configuration properties.