<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2024.0.0" />


interface IConnectionInfo
Represents remote connection information.

Gets the timeout to used when waiting for a server to acknowledge closing a channel.

Gets the supported channel requests for this connection.

Encoding Encoding { get; }

Gets the character encoding.

string Host { get; }

Gets connection host.

int Port { get; }

Gets connection port.

string ProxyHost { get; }

Gets proxy connection host.

string ProxyPassword { get; }

Gets proxy connection password.

int ProxyPort { get; }

Gets proxy connection port.

Gets proxy type.

string ProxyUsername { get; }

Gets proxy connection username.

int RetryAttempts { get; }

Gets the number of retry attempts when session channel creation failed.

TimeSpan Timeout { get; }

Gets the connection timeout.

Occurs when authentication banner is sent by the server.