Represents base class for different key exchange algorithm implementations
Gets the exchange hash.
Gets the session.
Gets or sets key exchange shared key.
Occurs when host key received.
protected KeyExchange()
Calculates key exchange hash value.
Determines whether the specified host key can be trusted.
Creates the client side cipher to use.
Creates the client side hash algorithm to use.
Creates the compression algorithm to use to deflate data.
Creates the compression algorithm to use to inflate data.
Creates the server side cipher to use.
Creates the server side hash algorithm to use.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
Finishes key exchange algorithm.
Hashes the specified data bytes.
Sends SSH message to the server.
Starts key exchange algorithm.
Validates the exchange hash.