<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2016.1.0-beta2" />


public abstract class KeyExchangeDiffieHellman : KeyExchange
Represents base class for Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm

Specifies client exchange number.

protected byte[] _clientPayload

Specifies client payload

protected BigInteger _group

Specifies key exchange group number.

protected byte[] _hostKey

Specifies host key data.

protected BigInteger _prime

Specifies key exchange prime number.

Specifies random generated number.

Specifies server exchange number.

protected byte[] _serverPayload

Specifies server payload

protected byte[] _signature

Specifies signature data.

protected virtual void HandleServerDhReply(byte[] hostKey, BigInteger serverExchangeValue, byte[] signature)

Handles the server DH reply message.

protected void PopulateClientExchangeValue()

Populates the client exchange value.