<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2016.0.0" />


public uint NextRequestId { get; }

Gets the next request id for sftp session.

public uint ProtocolVersion { get; }

Gets the SFTP protocol version.

public string WorkingDirectory { get; }

Gets the remote working directory.

public SftpSession(ISession session, TimeSpan operationTimeout, Encoding encoding)

public uint CalculateOptimalReadLength(uint bufferSize)

Calculates the optimal size of the buffer to read data from the channel.

public uint CalculateOptimalWriteLength(uint bufferSize, byte[] handle)

Calculates the optimal size of the buffer to write data on the channel.

public void ChangeDirectory(string path)

Changes the current working directory to the specified path.

public string GetCanonicalPath(string path)

Resolves a given path into an absolute path on the server.

public void RequestClose(byte[] handle)

Performs SSH_FXP_CLOSE request.

public void RequestFSetStat(byte[] handle, SftpFileAttributes attributes)

Performs SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT request.

public SftpFileAttributes RequestFStat(byte[] handle)

Performs SSH_FXP_FSTAT request.

public SftpFileAttributes RequestLStat(string path)

Performs SSH_FXP_LSTAT request.

public void RequestMkDir(string path)

Performs SSH_FXP_MKDIR request.

public byte[] RequestOpen(string path, Flags flags, bool nullOnError = false)

Performs SSH_FXP_OPEN request

public byte[] RequestOpenDir(string path, bool nullOnError = false)

Performs SSH_FXP_OPENDIR request

public void RequestPosixRename(string oldPath, string newPath)

Performs posix-rename@openssh.com extended request.

public byte[] RequestRead(byte[] handle, ulong offset, uint length)

Performs SSH_FXP_READ request.

public KeyValuePair<string, SftpFileAttributes>[] RequestReadDir(byte[] handle)

Performs SSH_FXP_READDIR request

public void RequestRemove(string path)

Performs SSH_FXP_REMOVE request.

public void RequestRename(string oldPath, string newPath)

Performs SSH_FXP_RENAME request.

public void RequestRmDir(string path)

Performs SSH_FXP_RMDIR request.

public void RequestSetStat(string path, SftpFileAttributes attributes)

Performs SSH_FXP_SETSTAT request.

public SftpFileSytemInformation RequestStatVfs(string path, bool nullOnError = false)

Performs statvfs@openssh.com extended request.

public void RequestSymLink(string linkpath, string targetpath)

Performs SSH_FXP_SYMLINK request.

public void RequestWrite(byte[] handle, ulong offset, byte[] data, int length, AutoResetEvent wait, Action<SftpStatusResponse> writeCompleted = null)

Performs SSH_FXP_WRITE request.