<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Transfer.Client" Version="7.2.7" />


public class HTTPFallback
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; namespace Aspera.Transfer { public class HTTPFallback { private bool encodeAllAsJPEG; private string httpsKeyFileName; private string httpsCertFileName; private int httpPort; private EndPoint httpProxyAddress; public HTTPFallback() { } public HTTPFallback(int httpPort, bool encodeAllAsJPEG, string httpsKeyFileName, string httpsCertFileName, EndPoint httpProxyAddress) { if (httpsKeyFileName != null && !File.Exists(httpsKeyFileName)) throw new FaspManagerException("Key file path should refer to existing real path " + httpsKeyFileName); if (httpsCertFileName != null && !File.Exists(httpsCertFileName)) throw new FaspManagerException("Certificate file path should refer to existing real path" + httpsCertFileName); if (httpPort > 0) this.httpPort = httpPort; this.encodeAllAsJPEG = encodeAllAsJPEG; this.httpsKeyFileName = httpsKeyFileName; this.httpsCertFileName = httpsCertFileName; this.httpProxyAddress = httpProxyAddress; } internal List<string> buildCommandOptions() { List<string> list = new List<string>(); list.Add("-y1"); if (encodeAllAsJPEG) list.Add("-j1"); if (httpPort > 0) { list.Add("-t"); list.Add(httpPort.ToString()); } if (httpsKeyFileName != null) { list.Add("-Y"); list.Add(httpsKeyFileName); } if (httpsCertFileName != null) { list.Add("-I"); list.Add(httpsCertFileName); } if (httpProxyAddress != null) { string text = null; if (httpProxyAddress is DnsEndPoint) { text = ((DnsEndPoint)httpProxyAddress).Host; int port = ((DnsEndPoint)httpProxyAddress).Port; if (port > 0) text = text + ":" + port; } else if (httpProxyAddress is IPEndPoint) { text = ((IPEndPoint)httpProxyAddress).ToString(); } if (text != null) { list.Add("-x"); list.Add(text); } } return list; } } }