<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Transfer.Client" Version="6.0.16" />


public abstract class Session
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; namespace Aspera.Transfer { public abstract class Session { protected internal string id; protected internal Guid xferId; protected internal int xferRetry; protected internal int processIndex = 1; protected internal int nbProcesses = 1; protected internal SessionState state; protected internal ArrayList _listenersList = new ArrayList(); protected internal Policy Adaptive; protected internal string BlockInfo = ""; protected internal string Code = ""; protected internal string Cookie = ""; protected internal string errDescription = ""; protected internal string Direction = ""; protected internal string DiskInfo = ""; protected internal ulong ElapsedUsec; protected internal bool Encryption; protected internal uint BWMeasurement; protected internal uint Delay; protected internal ulong FileBytes; protected internal string Operation = ""; protected internal ulong TransferBytes; protected internal string Host = ""; protected internal string Password = ""; protected internal uint priority; protected internal string Progress = ""; protected internal string Query = ""; protected internal string QueryResponse = ""; protected internal string ServiceLevel = ""; protected internal string SessionId = ""; protected internal string Size = ""; protected internal string StartByte = ""; protected internal string Token = ""; protected internal string User = ""; protected internal string version = ""; protected internal ulong bandwidthCapKbps; protected internal int errNum; protected internal bool IsUpload = true; protected internal ulong minimumRateKbps; protected internal int rttMs; protected internal ulong targetRateKbps; protected internal long totalElapsedMs; protected internal ulong totalLostBytes; protected internal uint udpPort; protected internal JobOrder _order; protected internal ulong preTransferFiles; protected internal ulong preTransferBytes; internal bool IsRemote; internal bool IsOtherInitiated; protected internal string manifestFilePath = ""; protected internal uint tcpPort; protected internal string serverNodeId = ""; protected internal string clientNodeId = ""; protected internal string serverClusterId = ""; protected internal string clientClusterId = ""; protected internal int retryTimeout; protected internal ulong filesFailed; protected internal ulong filesComplete; protected internal ulong filesSkipped; protected string msgBuffer; private Socket writeSocket; protected bool firstTime = true; private int _startTime; protected bool debugEnabled; protected bool persistent; protected bool persistentSessionLocked; protected int transfersAttempted; protected int transfersFailed; protected int transfersPassed; protected int transfersSkipped; protected int sourcePathsScanAttempted; protected int sourcePathsScanFailed; protected int sourcePathsScanIrregular; protected int sourcePathsScanExcluded; protected JObject tags; protected int pmtu; protected Session(JobOrder order, string jobId, bool debug) { _order = order; id = jobId; debugEnabled = debug; _startTime = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; } protected Session(bool debug) { _startTime = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; debugEnabled = debug; } internal virtual void start(int port) { } public abstract void handleAscpCrash(); public virtual void setRate(int targetRate, int minimumRate, Policy policy) { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - Setting rate parameters. target=" + targetRate + " minimum=" + minimumRate + " policy=" + policy); if (state == SessionState.FINISHED) throw new FaspManagerException("Rate Change Failed: Transfer already completed"); if (writeSocket != null) { FaspMessage faspMessage = new FaspMessage(id); faspMessage.setType("RATE"); faspMessage.addField("Rate", targetRate.ToString()); faspMessage.addField("MinRate", minimumRate.ToString()); string mgmtValue = PolicyHelper.getMgmtValue(policy); faspMessage.addField("Adaptive", mgmtValue); sendMgmtMessage(faspMessage.constructMessage()); return; } throw new FaspManagerException("\nTransfer has not started yet. It is too early to change the rate. "); } public void addListener(TransferListener listener) { _listenersList.Add(listener); } public void removeListener(TransferListener listener) { _listenersList.Remove(listener); } public void close() { writeSocket.Close(); handleAscpCrash(); } public virtual void cancel() { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - Cancelling the session"); terminate(); } public virtual void stop() { if (_order == null || !_order.getXferParams().persist) throw new FaspManagerException("Not a persistent session. Use cancelTransfer"); Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - Stopping the session"); terminate(); } public virtual void terminate() { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - Terminating the session"); if (state == SessionState.FINISHED || state == SessionState.FAILED) Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Warning, "Transfer already completed. Cannot terminate it anymore."); else { if (writeSocket == null) throw new FaspManagerException("The channel has not been connected. It is too early to terminate the job."); FaspMessage faspMessage = new FaspMessage(id); if (_order != null && _order.getXferParams().persist) faspMessage.setType("DONE"); else faspMessage.setType("CANCEL"); sendMgmtMessage(faspMessage.constructMessage()); } } public virtual void stopWhenIdle() { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - Stopping the session with 'linger' option"); if (state == SessionState.FINISHED || state == SessionState.FAILED) throw new FaspManagerException("Transfer already completed. Cannot stop it anymore."); if (writeSocket == null) throw new FaspManagerException("The channel has not been connected. It is too early to stop the job."); FaspMessage faspMessage = new FaspMessage(id); faspMessage.setType("DONE"); faspMessage.addField("Operation", "Linger"); sendMgmtMessage(faspMessage.constructMessage()); persistentSessionLocked = true; } public bool isFinished() { if (state != SessionState.FAILED) return state == SessionState.FINISHED; return true; } public string getId() { return id; } public Guid getXferId() { return xferId; } protected internal void setXferId(Guid xferId) { this.xferId = xferId; } public int getXferRetry() { return xferRetry; } protected internal void setXferRetry(int xferRetry) { this.xferRetry = xferRetry; } public int getProcessIndex() { return processIndex; } protected internal void setProcessIndex(int processIndex) { this.processIndex = processIndex; } public int getNbProcesses() { return nbProcesses; } protected internal void setNbProcesses(int nbProcesses) { this.nbProcesses = nbProcesses; } public long getTotalTransferredBytes() { return Convert.ToInt64(TransferBytes); } protected internal Socket getWriteSocket() { return writeSocket; } public string getSessionId() { return SessionId; } public string getCookie() { return Cookie; } protected internal void setWriteSocket(Socket writeSocket) { this.writeSocket = writeSocket; } protected internal virtual void processReadData(string message) { } protected virtual bool sendMgmtMessage(string msg) { byte[] bytes = new UTF8Encoding(false, true).GetBytes(msg); try { writeSocket.Send(bytes); } catch (SocketException ex) { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Error, " - Failed sending the management message. " + ex.Message); return false; } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex2) { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Error, id + " - Failed sending the management message. " + ex2.Message); return false; } return true; } public ulong getBandwidthCapKbps() { return bandwidthCapKbps; } public string getErrDescription() { return errDescription; } public int getErrCode() { return errNum; } public string getHost() { return Host; } public ulong getMinumumRateKbps() { return minimumRateKbps; } public Policy getPolicy() { return Adaptive; } public int getRttMs() { return Convert.ToInt32(Delay); } public int getStartTime() { return _startTime; } public SessionState getState() { return state; } public ulong getTargetRateKbps() { return targetRateKbps; } public string getToken() { return Token; } public long getTotalElapsedMs() { return Convert.ToInt64(ElapsedUsec); } public ulong getTotalLostBytes() { return totalLostBytes; } public ulong getTotalWrittenBytes() { return FileBytes; } public string getUser() { return User; } public uint getUdpPort() { return udpPort; } public bool isRemote() { return IsRemote; } public bool isUpload() { return IsUpload; } public void setCookie(string userCookie) { Cookie = userCookie; } public void setUserStr(string userStr) { id = userStr; } public void addSource(string sourcePath, string destPath, long startByte, long endByte) { Logger.Log(TraceEventType.Information, id + " - adding source: " + sourcePath + " dest: " + destPath); if (!persistent) throw new FaspManagerException("Cannot add source path to a non persistent session"); if (state == SessionState.FINISHED || state == SessionState.FAILED) throw new FaspManagerException("Transfer already completed. Cannot add path."); if (writeSocket != null) { FaspMessage faspMessage = new FaspMessage(id); faspMessage.setType("START"); faspMessage.addField("Source", sourcePath); faspMessage.addField("Destination", destPath); if (startByte != 0 || endByte != 0) { string str = ""; str += ((startByte == 0) ? "" : startByte.ToString()); str += ":"; str += ((endByte == 0) ? "" : endByte.ToString()); faspMessage.addField("FileBytes", str); } sendMgmtMessage(faspMessage.constructMessage()); return; } throw new FaspManagerException("The channel has not been connected. It is too early to add source path to the job."); } public void setPersistent(bool persistent) { this.persistent = persistent; } public bool getPersistentSessionLocked() { return persistentSessionLocked; } } }