<PackageReference Include="Relativity.OutsideIn" Version="2021.6.0" />

oi.dll 2021.6.0.25

Assembly with 16 public namespaces (1,488,280 bytes)

 Google.Protobuf with 30 public types

 Google.Protobuf.Collections with 4 public types

 Google.Protobuf.Reflection with 43 public types

 Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes with 39 public types

 OILink with 28 public types

 oilinkmessages with 70 public types

 OutsideIn with 23 public types

 OutsideIn.Annotations with 7 public types

 OutsideIn.Options with 19 public types

 System with 6 public types

 System.Buffers with 12 public types

 System.Buffers.Binary with 1 public types

 System.Buffers.Text with 3 public types

 System.Numerics with 2 public types

 System.Runtime.CompilerServices with 1 public types

 System.Runtime.InteropServices with 2 public types

