3 Aug 18
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public class Bundle
public interface IInstanceSettingsBundle
void ForceRefresh ()
bool ? GetBool (string section , string name )
Task <bool ?> GetBoolAsync (string section , string name )
int ? GetInt (string section , string name )
Task <int ?> GetIntAsync (string section , string name )
long ? GetLong (string section , string name )
Task <long ?> GetLongAsync (string section , string name )
IReadOnlyDictionary <string , IReadOnlyDictionary <string , object >> GetRawValues ()
Task <IReadOnlyDictionary <string , IReadOnlyDictionary <string , object >>> GetRawValuesAsync ()
string GetString (string section , string name )
Task <string > GetStringAsync (string section , string name )
uint ? GetUInt (string section , string name )
Task <uint ?> GetUIntAsync (string section , string name )
ulong ? GetULong (string section , string name )
Task <ulong ?> GetULongAsync (string section , string name )
public sealed class Config
public class ConnectionString : IConnectionString
public class Context : BaseContext
public const string CANCELLATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Operation cancelled by user."
public const string CONNECTION_POOL_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached."
public sealed class Helper
public interface IConnectionString
public interface ILogGateway
public class QueryRetryPolicy <T >
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger )
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger , int deadlockRetries , int deadlockWaitMillis , int timeoutRetries , int timeoutBaseWaitMillis , int transientRetries , int transientWaitMillis )
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger , Func <int > deadlockRetries , Func <int > deadlockWaitMillis , Func <int > timeoutRetries , Func <int > timeoutBaseWaitMillis , Func <int > transientRetries , Func <int > transientWaitMillis )
protected virtual Func <T > Failover (Func <T > baseLogic , Func <T > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover )
public void OnAnyException (Action handler )
protected virtual Func <T > Retry (Func <T > baseLogic , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public void RetryOnAzureSqlTransientError ()
public void RetryOnConnectTimeout ()
public void RetryOnDeadlock ()
public void RetryOnTimeout ()
public void RetryWithoutHashJoin (string originalQueryText , Func <string , T > retryQuery )
public void ReturnValueOnCancellation (T defaultValue )
public T RunQuery ()
public class AsyncContext : IAsyncContext
public class AsyncQueryRetryPolicy <T > : QueryRetryPolicy <Task <T >>
public AsyncQueryRetryPolicy (Func <Task <T >> queryLogic , CancellationToken cancellationToken , SqlExecutionLogger logger )
public AsyncQueryRetryPolicy (Func <Task <T >> queryLogic , CancellationToken cancellationToken , SqlExecutionLogger logger , int deadlockRetries , int deadlockWaitMillis , int timeoutRetries , int timeoutBaseWaitMillis , int transientRetries , int transientWaitMillis )
public sealed class FluentRetryHelper
public static Action WrapWithBasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Action WrapWithBasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator )
public static Func <T > WrapWithBasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Func <T > WrapWithBasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , int retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithBasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithBasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithBasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithBasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , int retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Action WrapWithFailover (Action baseLogic , Action failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailOver )
public static Func <T > WrapWithFailover <T >(Func <T > baseLogic , Func <T > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithFailoverAsync (Func <Task > baseLogic , Func <Task > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithFailoverAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> baseLogic , Func <Task <T >> failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public sealed class RetryHelper
public static void BasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static T BasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Task BasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Task <T > BasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )