<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Other" Version="" />


public class dtSearchEnums
public enum IncrementalStatus

public enum JobActionStatus

public enum JobStatus

public enum PopulationStatus

public enum SubIndexStatus

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_CANCELED = "Job canceled by user"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_INDEXED = "Indexed"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_INDEXEDWITHERRORS = "Indexed with errors"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_MANAGERERROR = "Error - Job Failed"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_NODOCSINDEXEDDUETOERRORS = "No documents indexed due to errors. Please run Build Index: Full."

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBENDSTATUS_NODOCUMENTSINDEXED = "No documents indexed"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_CANCELING = "Canceling job"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_COMPRESSING = "Compressing"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_CREATINGPOPTABLE = "Creating population table"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_FINALIZING = "Finalizing"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_FIXINGDOCERRORS = "Fixing errors"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_INCREMENTAL_COMPLETED = "Incrementally built - obsolete"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_INDEXING = "Indexing"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_INDEXING_NOWORKERSAVAILABLE = "Current operation was suspended because there are no dtSearch worker agents available to complete the operation. To fix this, check the agent servers assigned to the resource pool for this workspace. If there are no dtSearch worker agents on any of the agent servers, you must add at least one worker agent. If the dtSearch worker agents on the agent servers failed due to an error, you must fix the error and restart them."

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_INDEXINGHASERRORS = "Indexing; has errors"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_INITIALIZING = "Initializing"

public const string DTSEARCH_JOBSTATUS_WAITING = "Waiting"

public dtSearchEnums()