<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Logging" Version="9.4.302" />

Relativity.Logging 9.4.302

You can write logs from your custom applications that use agents, custom pages, and event handlers. To capture the data that meets your debugging needs, you can change properties captured for the logged events. You can also change the logging level and configure logging to log only for a specific application, log to a specific sink, or disable logging..

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <description>You can write logs from your custom applications that use agents, custom pages, and event handlers. To capture the data that meets your debugging needs, you can change properties captured for the logged events. You can also change the logging level and configure logging to log only for a specific application, log to a specific sink, or disable logging..</description>
    <copyright>:copyright: Relativity</copyright>
    <tags>Relativity SDK Logging Interfaces</tags>