<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="7.0.3" />


Namespace with 45 public types


 Context Context that carries with a single execution through a Policy. Commonly-used properties are directly on the class. Backed by a dictionary of string key / object value pairs, to which user-defined values may be added. Do not re-use an instance of across more than one call through .Execute(...) or .ExecuteAsync(...).
 DelegateResult`1 The captured outcome of executing an individual Func<TResult>
 ExceptionPredicates A collection of predicates used to define whether a policy handles a given .
 PolicyBuilder Builder class that holds the list of current exception predicates.
 PolicyBuilder`1 Builder class that holds the list of current execution predicates filtering TResult result values.
 PolicyResult The captured result of executing a policy
 PolicyResult`1 The captured result of executing a policy
 ResultPredicates`1 A collection of predicates used to define whether a policy handles a given value.


 ExceptionType Represents the type of exception resulting from a failed policy
 FaultType Represents the type of outcome from a failed policy
 OutcomeType Represents the outcome of executing a policy

Static Classes

 AdvancedCircuitBreakerSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AdvancedCircuitBreakerTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AsyncAdvancedCircuitBreakerSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AsyncAdvancedCircuitBreakerTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AsyncCircuitBreakerSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AsyncCircuitBreakerTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 AsyncFallbackSyntax Fluent API for defining a Fallback .
 AsyncFallbackTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining an async Fallback policy governing executions returning TResult.
 AsyncRetrySyntax Fluent API for defining a .
 AsyncRetryTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining an .
 CircuitBreakerSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 CircuitBreakerTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Circuit Breaker .
 FallbackSyntax Fluent API for defining a Fallback policy.
 FallbackTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Fallback policy governing executions returning TResult.
 IAsyncPolicyExtensions Contains extensions methods on
 IAsyncPolicyPolicyWrapExtensions Defines extensions for configuring instances on an or .
 ISyncPolicyExtensions Contains extensions methods on
 ISyncPolicyPolicyWrapExtensions Defines extensions for configuring instances on an or .
 RetrySyntax Fluent API for defining a Retry .
 RetryTResultSyntax Fluent API for defining a Retry .

Abstract Classes

 AsyncPolicy Transient exception handling policies that can be applied to asynchronous delegates
 AsyncPolicy`1 Transient exception handling policies that can be applied to asynchronous delegates
 ExecutionRejectedException Exception thrown when a policy rejects execution of a delegate. More specific exceptions which derive from this type, are generally thrown.
 Policy Transient exception handling policies that can be applied to synchronous delegates
 Policy`1 Transient fault handling policies that can be applied to delegates returning results of type
 PolicyBase Implements elements common to both non-generic and generic policies, and sync and async policies.
 PolicyBase`1 Implements elements common to sync and async generic policies.


 IAsyncPolicy An interface defining all executions available on a non-generic, asynchronous policy
 IAsyncPolicy`1 An interface defining all executions available on an asynchronous policy generic-typed for executions returning results of type .
 IsPolicy A marker interface identifying Polly policies of all types, and containing properties common to all policies
 ISyncPolicy An interface defining all executions available on a non-generic, synchronous policy
 ISyncPolicy`1 An interface defining all executions available on a synchronous policy generic-typed for executions returning results of type .