<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="4.1.2" />


public static class OrSyntax
Fluent API for chaining exceptions that will be handled by a Policy.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Polly { public static class OrSyntax { public static PolicyBuilder Or<TException>(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder) where TException : Exception { ExceptionPredicate item = (Exception exception) => exception is TException; ((ICollection<ExceptionPredicate>)policyBuilder.ExceptionPredicates).Add(item); return policyBuilder; } public static PolicyBuilder Or<TException>(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<TException, bool> exceptionPredicate) where TException : Exception { ExceptionPredicate item = delegate(Exception exception) { if (exception is TException) return exceptionPredicate((TException)exception); return false; }; ((ICollection<ExceptionPredicate>)policyBuilder.ExceptionPredicates).Add(item); return policyBuilder; } } }