Represents a registry of resilience strategies and builders that are accessible by TKey.
public ResilienceStrategyRegistry()
Initializes a new instance of the ResilienceStrategyRegistry<T> class with the default comparer.
Initializes a new instance of the ResilienceStrategyRegistry<T> class with a custom builder factory and comparer.
Clears all cached strategies.
Clears all cached generic strategies.
Gets existing strategy or creates a new one using the configure callback.
public ResilienceStrategy GetOrAddStrategy(TKey key, Action<ResilienceStrategyBuilder, ConfigureBuilderContext<TKey>> configure)
Gets existing strategy or creates a new one using the configure callback.
public ResilienceStrategy<TResult> GetOrAddStrategy<TResult>(TKey key, Action<ResilienceStrategyBuilder<TResult>> configure)
Gets existing strategy or creates a new one using the configure callback.
public ResilienceStrategy<TResult> GetOrAddStrategy<TResult>(TKey key, Action<ResilienceStrategyBuilder<TResult>, ConfigureBuilderContext<TKey>> configure)
Gets existing strategy or creates a new one using the configure callback.
Removes a resilience strategy builder from the registry.
Removes a generic resilience strategy builder from the registry.
Removes a resilience strategy from the registry.
Removes a generic resilience strategy from the registry.
public bool TryAddBuilder(TKey key, Action<ResilienceStrategyBuilder, ConfigureBuilderContext<TKey>> configure)
Tries to add a resilience strategy builder to the registry.
public bool TryAddBuilder<TResult>(TKey key, Action<ResilienceStrategyBuilder<TResult>, ConfigureBuilderContext<TKey>> configure)
Tries to add a generic resilience strategy builder to the registry.
Tries to add an existing resilience strategy to the registry.
Tries to add an existing generic resilience strategy to the registry.