<PackageReference Include="Polly.Core" Version="8.0.0-alpha.4" />


Arguments used by the timeout strategy to notify that a timeout occurred.
public ResilienceContext Context { get; set; }

The context associated with the execution of a user-provided callback.

protected virtual Type EqualityContract { get; }

public Exception Exception { get; set; }

The original exception that caused the timeout.

public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }

The timeout value assigned.

public OnTimeoutArguments(ResilienceContext Context, Exception Exception, TimeSpan Timeout)

Arguments used by the timeout strategy to notify that a timeout occurred.

public static bool op_Equality(OnTimeoutArguments left, OnTimeoutArguments right)

public static bool op_Inequality(OnTimeoutArguments left, OnTimeoutArguments right)

public virtual OnTimeoutArguments <Clone>$()

public void Deconstruct(out ResilienceContext Context, out Exception Exception, out TimeSpan Timeout)

public virtual bool Equals(OnTimeoutArguments other)

protected virtual bool PrintMembers(StringBuilder builder)