Indicates the source to be used to provide test fixture instances for a test class.
The name parameter is a String representing the name of the source used to provide test cases. It has the following characteristics:It must be a static field, property, or method in the same class as the test case.It must return an IEnumerable or a type that implements IEnumerable, such as an array, a List, or your own iterator.Each item returned by the enumerator must be compatible with the signature of the method on which the attribute appears.
Gets or sets the category associated with every fixture created from
this attribute. May be a single category or a comma-separated list.
A set of parameters passed to the method, works only if the Source Name is a method.
If the source name is a field or property has no effect.
The name of a the method, property or field to be used as a source
A Type to be used as a source
Construct with the name of the method, property or field that will provide data
Construct with a Type and name
Construct with a Type and name
Construct with a name
Construct with a Type
Builds any number of tests from the specified method and context.