<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.1.0" />


Implementation of ITestAssemblyRunner
public static int DefaultLevelOfParallelism { get; }

Gets the default level of parallel execution (worker threads)

public bool IsTestComplete { get; }

Indicates whether a test run is complete

public bool IsTestLoaded { get; }

Indicates whether a test is loaded

public bool IsTestRunning { get; }

Indicates whether a test is running

public ITest LoadedTest { get; }

The tree of tests that was loaded by the builder

public ITestResult Result { get; }

The test result, if a run has completed

Initializes a new instance of the NUnitTestAssemblyRunner class.

public int CountTestCases(ITestFilter filter)

Count Test Cases using a filter

Explore the test cases using a filter

public ITest Load(string assemblyNameOrPath, IDictionary<string, object> settings)

Loads the tests found in an Assembly

public ITest Load(Assembly assembly, IDictionary<string, object> settings)

Loads the tests found in an Assembly

public ITestResult Run(ITestListener listener, ITestFilter filter)

Run selected tests and return a test result. The test is run synchronously, and the listener interface is notified as it progresses.

public void RunAsync(ITestListener listener, ITestFilter filter)

Run selected tests asynchronously, notifying the listener interface as it progresses.

public void StopRun(bool force)

Signal any test run that is in process to stop. Return without error if no test is running.

public bool WaitForCompletion(int timeout)

Wait for the ongoing run to complete.

protected void WrapInNUnitCallContext(Action action)

This method is a no-op in .NET Standard builds.

protected T WrapInNUnitCallContext<T>(Func<T> function)

This method is a no-op in .NET Standard builds.