<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.0.1" />


Namespace with 50 public types


 CultureDetector CultureDetector is a helper class used by NUnit to determine whether a test should be run based on the current culture.
 GenericMethodHelper GenericMethodHelper is able to deduce the Type arguments for a generic method from the actual arguments provided.
 InternalTraceWriter A trace listener that writes to a separate file per domain and process using it.
 InvalidDataSourceException InvalidTestFixtureException is thrown when an appropriate test fixture constructor using the provided arguments cannot be found.
 InvalidTestFixtureException InvalidTestFixtureException is thrown when an appropriate test fixture constructor using the provided arguments cannot be found.
 Logger Provides internal logging to the NUnit framework
 MethodWrapper The MethodWrapper class wraps a MethodInfo so that it may be used in a platform-independent manner.
 NUnitException Thrown when an assertion failed. Here to preserve the inner exception and hence its stack trace.
 OSPlatform OSPlatform represents a particular operating system platform
 ParameterizedFixtureSuite ParameterizedFixtureSuite serves as a container for the set of test fixtures created from a given Type using various parameters.
 ParameterizedMethodSuite ParameterizedMethodSuite holds a collection of individual TestMethods with their arguments applied.
 ParameterWrapper The ParameterWrapper class wraps a ParameterInfo so that it may be used in a platform-independent manner.
 PlatformHelper PlatformHelper class is used by the PlatformAttribute class to determine whether a platform is supported.
 PropertyBag A PropertyBag represents a collection of name value pairs that allows duplicate entries with the same key. Methods are provided for adding a new pair as well as for setting a key to a single value. All keys are strings but values may be of any type. Null values are not permitted, since a null entry represents the absence of the key.
 Randomizer Randomizer returns a set of random values in a repeatable way, to allow re-running of tests if necessary. It extends the .NET Random class, providing random values for a much wider range of types. The class is used internally by the framework to generate test case data and is also exposed for use by users through the TestContext.Random property.
 RuntimeFramework RuntimeFramework represents a particular version of a common language runtime implementation.
 SetUpFixture SetUpFixture extends TestSuite and supports Setup and TearDown methods.
 StackFilter StackFilter class is used to remove internal NUnit entries from a stack trace so that the resulting trace provides better information about the test.
 TestAssembly TestAssembly is a TestSuite that represents the execution of tests in a managed assembly.
 TestCaseParameters The TestCaseParameters class encapsulates method arguments and other selected parameters needed for constructing a parameterized test case.
 TestCaseResult Represents the result of running a single test case.
 TestCaseTimeoutException TestCaseTimeoutException is thrown when a test running directly on a TestWorker thread is cancelled due to timeout.
 TestExecutionContext Helper class used to save and restore certain static or singleton settings in the environment that affect tests or which might be changed by the user tests.
 TestFixture TestFixture is a surrogate for a user test fixture class, containing one or more tests.
 TestFixtureParameters The TestCaseParameters class encapsulates method arguments and other selected parameters needed for constructing a parameterized test case.
 TestListener TestListener provides an implementation of ITestListener that does nothing. It is used only through its NULL property.
 TestMethod The TestMethod class represents a Test implemented as a method.
 TestNameGenerator TestNameGenerator is able to create test names according to a coded pattern.
 TestProgressReporter TestProgressReporter translates ITestListener events into the async callbacks that are used to inform the client software about the progress of a test run.
 TestSuite TestSuite represents a composite test, which contains other tests.
 TestSuiteResult Represents the result of running a test suite
 TextMessageWriter TextMessageWriter writes constraint descriptions and messages in displayable form as a text stream. It tailors the display of individual message components to form the standard message format of NUnit assertion failure messages.
 TypeNameDifferenceResolver Used for resolving the type difference between objects.
 TypeWrapper The TypeWrapper class wraps a Type so it may be used in a platform-independent manner.


 InternalTraceLevel InternalTraceLevel is an enumeration controlling the level of detailed presented in the internal log.
 RuntimeType Enumeration identifying a common language runtime implementation.
 TestExecutionStatus Enumeration indicating whether the tests are running normally or being cancelled.

Static Classes

 AssemblyHelper AssemblyHelper provides static methods for working with assemblies.
 ExceptionHelper ExceptionHelper provides static methods for working with exceptions
 InternalTrace InternalTrace provides facilities for tracing the execution of the NUnit framework. Tests and classes under test may make use of Console writes, System.Diagnostics.Trace or various loggers and NUnit itself traps and processes each of them. For that reason, a separate internal trace is needed. Note: InternalTrace uses a global lock to allow multiple threads to write trace messages. This can easily make it a bottleneck so it must be used sparingly. Keep the trace Level as low as possible and only insert InternalTrace writes where they are needed. TODO: add some buffering and a separate writer thread as an option. TODO: figure out a way to turn on trace in specific classes only.
 PropertyNames The PropertyNames class provides static constants for the standard property ids that NUnit uses on tests.
 Reflect Helper methods for inspecting a type by reflection. Many of these methods take ICustomAttributeProvider as an argument to avoid duplication, even though certain attributes can only appear on specific types of members, like MethodInfo or Type. In the case where a type is being examined for the presence of an attribute, interface or named member, the Reflect methods operate with the full name of the member being sought. This removes the necessity of the caller having a reference to the assembly that defines the item being sought and allows the NUnit core to inspect assemblies that reference an older version of the NUnit framework.
 StringUtil Provides methods to support legacy string comparison methods.
 ThreadUtility ThreadUtility provides a set of static methods convenient for working with threads.
 TypeHelper TypeHelper provides static methods that operate on Types.

Abstract Classes

 Test The Test abstract class represents a test within the framework.
 TestFilter Interface to be implemented by filters applied to tests. The filter applies when running the test, after it has been loaded, since this is the only time an ITest exists.
 TestParameters TestParameters is the abstract base class for all classes that know how to provide data for constructing a test.
 TestResult The TestResult class represents the result of a test.


 ILogger Interface for logging within the engine