<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.0.1" />


CollectionItemsEqualConstraint is the abstract base class for all collection constraints that apply some notion of item equality as a part of their operation.

Flag the constraint to ignore case and return self.

protected bool IgnoringCase { get; }

Get a flag indicating whether the user requested us to ignore case.

protected bool UsingExternalComparer { get; }

Get a flag indicating whether any external comparers are in use.

Construct an empty CollectionConstraint

protected CollectionItemsEqualConstraint(object arg)

Construct a CollectionConstraint

protected bool ItemsEqual(object x, object y)

Compares two collection members for equality

Return a new CollectionTally for use in making tests

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied Comparison object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object.

public CollectionItemsEqualConstraint Using<T>(Func<T, T, bool> comparer)

Flag the constraint to use the supplied boolean-returning delegate.