<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.9.0" />


AttributeExistsConstraint tests for the presence of a specified attribute on a Type.
using NUnit.Compatibility; using System; namespace NUnit.Framework.Constraints { public class AttributeExistsConstraint : Constraint { private Type expectedType; public override string Description => "type with attribute " + MsgUtils.FormatValue(expectedType); public AttributeExistsConstraint(Type type) : base(type) { expectedType = type; if (!typeof(Attribute).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(expectedType.GetTypeInfo())) throw new ArgumentException($"""{expectedType}""", "type"); } public override ConstraintResult ApplyTo<TActual>(TActual actual) { Guard.ArgumentNotNull(actual, "actual"); Attribute[] customAttributes = AttributeHelper.GetCustomAttributes(actual, expectedType, true); return new ConstraintResult(this, actual) { Status = ((customAttributes.Length != 0) ? ConstraintStatus.Success : ConstraintStatus.Failure) }; } } }