<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.9.0" />


SomeItemsConstraint applies another constraint to each item in a collection, succeeding if any of them succeeds.
public SomeItemsConstraint(IConstraint itemConstraint)

Construct a SomeItemsConstraint on top of an existing constraint

public SomeItemsConstraint Using<TCollectionType, TMemberType>(Func<TCollectionType, TMemberType, bool> comparison)

Flag the constraint to use the supplied Func<T, U, V> object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object.

public SomeItemsConstraint Using<T>(IComparer<T> comparer)

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer<T> object.

public SomeItemsConstraint Using<T>(Comparison<T> comparer)

Flag the constraint to use the supplied Comparison<T> object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object.

Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer<T> object.