<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.7.0" />


FrameworkController provides a facade for use in loading, browsing and running tests without requiring a reference to the NUnit framework. All calls are encapsulated in constructors for this class and its nested classes, which only require the types of the Common Type System as arguments. The controller supports four actions: Load, Explore, Count and Run. They are intended to be called by a driver, which should allow for proper sequencing of calls. Load must be called before any of the other actions. The driver may support other actions, such as reload on run, by combining these calls.

CountTestsAction counts the number of test cases in the loaded TestSuite held by the FrameworkController.

ExploreTestsAction returns info about the tests in an assembly

FrameworkControllerAction is the base class for all actions performed against a FrameworkController.

LoadTestsAction loads a test into the FrameworkController

RunAsyncAction initiates an asynchronous test run, returning immediately

RunTestsAction runs the loaded TestSuite held by the FrameworkController.

StopRunAction stops an ongoing run.

public Assembly Assembly { get; }

Gets the Assembly for which this

public string AssemblyNameOrPath { get; }

Gets the AssemblyName or the path for which this FrameworkController was created

public ITestAssemblyBuilder Builder { get; }

Gets the ITestAssemblyBuilder used by this controller instance.

public ITestAssemblyRunner Runner { get; }

Gets the ITestAssemblyRunner used by this controller instance.

public FrameworkController(string assemblyNameOrPath, string idPrefix, IDictionary settings)

Construct a FrameworkController using the default builder and runner.

public FrameworkController(Assembly assembly, string idPrefix, IDictionary settings)

Construct a FrameworkController using the default builder and runner.

public FrameworkController(string assemblyNameOrPath, string idPrefix, IDictionary settings, string runnerType, string builderType)

Construct a FrameworkController, specifying the types to be used for the runner and builder. This constructor is provided for purposes of development.

public FrameworkController(Assembly assembly, string idPrefix, IDictionary settings, string runnerType, string builderType)

Construct a FrameworkController, specifying the types to be used for the runner and builder. This constructor is provided for purposes of development.

public static TNode InsertEnvironmentElement(TNode targetNode)

Inserts environment element

public static TNode InsertSettingsElement(TNode targetNode, IDictionary<string, object> settings)

Inserts settings element

public int CountTests(string filter)

Counts the number of test cases in the loaded TestSuite

public string ExploreTests(string filter)

Returns info about the tests in an assembly

public string LoadTests()

Loads the tests in the assembly

public string RunTests(string filter)

Runs the tests in an assembly

public void StopRun(bool force)

Stops the test run