<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.7.0" />


Applies a delay to the match so that a match can be evaluated in the future.

Allows only setting the polling interval of a DelayedConstraint

Allows only changing the time dimension of delay interval and setting a polling interval of a DelayedConstraint

Allows only changing the time dimension of the polling interval of a DelayedConstraint

protected Interval DelayInterval { get; protected set; }

Delay value store as an Interval object

protected Interval PollingInterval { get; protected set; }

Polling value stored as an Interval object

public DelayedConstraint(IConstraint baseConstraint, int delayInMilliseconds)

Creates a new DelayedConstraint

public DelayedConstraint(IConstraint baseConstraint, int delayInMilliseconds, int pollingIntervalInMilliseconds)

Creates a new DelayedConstraint