Helper class with properties and methods that supply
a number of constraints used in Asserts.
Returns a constraint that succeeds if the value
is a file or directory and it exists.
Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any
following constraint.
Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the
presence of a particular object in the collection.
Returns a new ContainsConstraint. This constraint
will, in turn, make use of the appropriate second-level
constraint, depending on the type of the actual argument.
This overload is only used if the item sought is a string,
since any other type implies that we are looking for a
collection member.
Returns a new DictionaryContainsKeyConstraint checking for the
presence of a particular key in the Dictionary key collection.
Returns a new DictionaryContainsValueConstraint checking for the
presence of a particular value in the Dictionary value collection.
Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual
value ends with the substring supplied as an argument.
Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual
value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument.
Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual
value starts with the substring supplied as an argument.