SetUpTearDownCommand runs any SetUp methods for a suite,
runs the test and then runs any TearDown methods.
using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands
public class SetUpTearDownCommand : DelegatingTestCommand
private IList<SetUpTearDownItem> _setUpTearDownItems;
public SetUpTearDownCommand(TestCommand innerCommand)
: base(innerCommand)
Guard.ArgumentValid(innerCommand.Test is TestMethod, "SetUpTearDownCommand may only apply to a TestMethod", "innerCommand");
Guard.OperationValid(base.Test.TypeInfo != null, "TestMethod must have a non-null TypeInfo");
_setUpTearDownItems = CommandBuilder.BuildSetUpTearDownList(base.Test.TypeInfo.Type, typeof(SetUpAttribute), typeof(TearDownAttribute));
public override TestResult Execute(TestExecutionContext context)
try {
int num = _setUpTearDownItems.Count;
while (num > 0) {
context.CurrentResult = innerCommand.Execute(context);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex is ThreadAbortException)
} finally {
if (context.ExecutionStatus != TestExecutionStatus.AbortRequested) {
for (int i = 0; i < _setUpTearDownItems.Count; i++) {
return context.CurrentResult;