InternalTrace provides facilities for tracing the execution
of the NUnit framework. Tests and classes under test may make use
of Console writes, System.Diagnostics.Trace or various loggers and
NUnit itself traps and processes each of them. For that reason, a
separate internal trace is needed.
InternalTrace uses a global lock to allow multiple threads to write
trace messages. This can easily make it a bottleneck so it must be
used sparingly. Keep the trace Level as low as possible and only
insert InternalTrace writes where they are needed.
TODO: add some buffering and a separate writer thread as an option.
TODO: figure out a way to turn on trace in specific classes only.
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal
public static class InternalTrace
private static InternalTraceLevel traceLevel;
private static InternalTraceWriter traceWriter;
public static bool Initialized { get; set; }
public static void Initialize(string logName, InternalTraceLevel level)
if (!Initialized) {
traceLevel = level;
if (traceWriter == null && traceLevel > InternalTraceLevel.Off) {
traceWriter = new InternalTraceWriter(logName);
traceWriter.WriteLine("InternalTrace: Initializing at level {0}", traceLevel);
Initialized = true;
} else
traceWriter.WriteLine("InternalTrace: Ignoring attempted re-initialization at level {0}", level);
public static void Initialize(TextWriter writer, InternalTraceLevel level)
if (!Initialized) {
traceLevel = level;
if (traceWriter == null && traceLevel > InternalTraceLevel.Off) {
traceWriter = new InternalTraceWriter(writer);
traceWriter.WriteLine("InternalTrace: Initializing at level " + traceLevel.ToString());
Initialized = true;
public static Logger GetLogger(string name)
return new Logger(name, traceLevel, traceWriter);
public static Logger GetLogger(Type type)
return GetLogger(type.FullName);