FrameworkPackageSettings is a static class containing constant values that
are used as keys in setting up a TestPackage. These values are used in
the framework, and set in the runner. Setting values may be a string, int or bool.
Flag (bool) indicating whether tests are being debugged.
The default naming pattern used in generating test names
Integer value in milliseconds for the default timeout value
for test cases. If not specified, there is no timeout except
as specified by attributes on the tests themselves.
The InternalTraceLevel for this run. Values are: "Default",
"Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Verbose".
Default is "Off". "Debug" and "Verbose" are synonyms.
A TextWriter to which the internal trace will be sent.
A list of tests to be loaded.
The number of test threads to run for the assembly. If set to
1, a single queue is used. If set to 0, tests are executed
directly, without queuing.
Flag (bool) indicating whether to pause execution of tests to allow
the user to attach a debugger.
The random seed to be used for this assembly. If specified
as the value reported from a prior run, the framework should
generate identical random values for tests as were used for
that run, provided that no change has been made to the test
assembly. Default is a random value itself.
If true, the tests will run on the same thread as the NUnit runner itself
If true, execution stops after the first error or failure.
If true, use of the event queue is suppressed and test events are synchronous.
Parameters to be passed on to the tests, serialized to a single string which needs parsing. Obsoleted by TestParametersDictionary; kept for backward compatibility.
Parameters to be passed on to the tests, already parsed into an IDictionary<string, string>. Replaces TestParameters.
Full path of the directory to be used for work and result files.
This path is provided to tests by the framework TestContext.