Provide the context information of the current test.
This is an adapter for the internal ExecutionContext
class, hiding the internals from the user test.
PropertyBagAdapter adapts an IPropertyBag
for consumption by the user.
ResultAdapter adapts a TestResult for consumption by
the user test code.
TestAdapter adapts a Test for consumption by
the user test code.
Gets a TextWriter that will send output directly to Console.Error
TestParameters object holds parameters for the test run, if any are specified
Gets a TextWriter for use in displaying immediate progress messages
Get the current test context. This is created
as needed. The user may save the context for
use within a test, but it should not be used
outside the test for which it is created.
Gets a TextWriter that will send output to the current test result.
Gets the number of assertions executed
up to this point in the test.
Get the number of times the current Test has been repeated. This is currently only
set when using the RetryAttribute.
TODO: add this to the RepeatAttribute as well
Gets the random generator.
Gets a Representation of the TestResult for the current test.
Get a representation of the current test.
Gets the directory containing the current test assembly.
Gets the directory to be used for outputting files created
by this test run.
Gets the unique name of the Worker that is executing this test.
Construct a TestContext for an ExecutionContext
This method adds the a new ValueFormatterFactory to the
chain of responsibility used for formatting values in messages.
The scope of the change is the current TestContext.
This method provides a simplified way to add a ValueFormatter
delegate to the chain of responsibility, creating the factory
delegate internally. It is useful when the Type of the object
is the only criterion for selection of the formatter, since
it can be used without getting involved with a compound function.
Attach a file to the current test result
Write the string representation of a boolean value to the current result
Write a char to the current result
Write a char array to the current result
Write the string representation of a double to the current result
Write the string representation of an Int32 value to the current result
Write the string representation of an Int64 value to the current result
Write the string representation of a decimal value to the current result
Write the string representation of an object to the current result
Write the string representation of a Single value to the current result
Write a string to the current result
Write the string representation of a UInt32 value to the current result
Write the string representation of a UInt64 value to the current result
Write a formatted string to the current result
Write a formatted string to the current result
Write a formatted string to the current result
Write a formatted string to the current result
Write a line terminator to the current result
Write the string representation of a boolean value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a char to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a char array to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of a double to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of an Int32 value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of an Int64 value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of a decimal value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of an object to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of a Single value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a string to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of a UInt32 value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write the string representation of a UInt64 value to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a formatted string to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a formatted string to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a formatted string to the current result followed by a line terminator
Write a formatted string to the current result followed by a line terminator