TestParameters is the abstract base class for all classes
that know how to provide data for constructing a test.
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using System;
namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal
public abstract class TestParameters : ITestData, IApplyToTest
public RunState RunState { get; set; }
public object[] Arguments { get; set; }
public string TestName { get; set; }
public IPropertyBag Properties { get; set; }
public object[] OriginalArguments { get; set; }
public TestParameters()
RunState = RunState.Runnable;
Properties = new PropertyBag();
public TestParameters(object[] args)
RunState = RunState.Runnable;
Properties = new PropertyBag();
object[] array3 = OriginalArguments = (Arguments = args);
public TestParameters(Exception exception)
RunState = RunState.NotRunnable;
Properties = new PropertyBag();
Properties.Set("_SKIPREASON", ExceptionHelper.BuildMessage(exception));
Properties.Set("_PROVIDERSTACKTRACE", ExceptionHelper.BuildStackTrace(exception));
public TestParameters(ITestData data)
RunState = data.RunState;
Properties = new PropertyBag();
TestName = data.TestName;
object[] array2 = OriginalArguments = (Arguments = data.Arguments);
foreach (string key in data.Properties.Keys) {
Properties[key] = data.Properties[key];
public void ApplyToTest(Test test)
if (RunState != RunState.Runnable)
test.RunState = RunState;
foreach (string key in Properties.Keys) {
foreach (object item in Properties[key]) {
test.Properties.Add(key, item);