<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-rc" />


public class EventQueue
Implements a queue of work items each of which is queued as a WaitCallback.
using System.Collections; using System.Threading; namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution { public class EventQueue { private readonly Queue queue = new Queue(); private readonly object syncRoot; private bool stopped; private AutoResetEvent synchronousEventSent; public int Count { get { lock (syncRoot) { return queue.Count; } } } public EventQueue() { syncRoot = queue.SyncRoot; } public void SetWaitHandleForSynchronizedEvents(AutoResetEvent synchronousEventWaitHandle) { synchronousEventSent = synchronousEventWaitHandle; } public void Enqueue(Event e) { lock (syncRoot) { queue.Enqueue(e); Monitor.Pulse(syncRoot); } if (synchronousEventSent != null && e.IsSynchronous) synchronousEventSent.WaitOne(); else Thread.Sleep(0); } public Event Dequeue(bool blockWhenEmpty) { lock (syncRoot) { while (queue.Count == 0) { if (!blockWhenEmpty || stopped) return null; Monitor.Wait(syncRoot); } return (Event)queue.Dequeue(); } } public void Stop() { lock (syncRoot) { if (!stopped) { stopped = true; Monitor.PulseAll(syncRoot); } } } } }