nunit.framework.dll 3.0.5783.22234 Assembly with 13 public namespaces (274,432 bytes) NUnit with 1 public types NUnit.Common with 1 public types NUnit.Framework with 80 public types NUnit.Framework.Api with 5 public types NUnit.Framework.Compatibility with 4 public types NUnit.Framework.Constraints with 102 public types NUnit.Framework.Interfaces with 34 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal with 48 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders with 10 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands with 13 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution with 21 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Filters with 12 public types System.Runtime.CompilerServices with 1 public types Frameworks dotnet net20 net40 net45 portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81+xamarin.mac+monoandroid10+monotouch10+xamarin.ios10