<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-beta-1" />


public static class Reflect
Helper methods for inspecting a type by reflection. Many of these methods take ICustomAttributeProvider as an argument to avoid duplication, even though certain attributes can only appear on specific types of members, like MethodInfo or Type. In the case where a type is being examined for the presence of an attribute, interface or named member, the Reflect methods operate with the full name of the member being sought. This removes the necessity of the caller having a reference to the assembly that defines the item being sought and allows the NUnit core to inspect assemblies that reference an older version of the NUnit framework.
public static object Construct(Type type)

Invoke the default constructor on a Type

public static object Construct(Type type, object[] arguments)

Invoke a constructor on a Type with arguments

public static MethodInfo[] GetMethodsWithAttribute(Type fixtureType, Type attributeType, bool inherit)

Examine a fixture type and return an array of methods having a particular attribute. The array is order with base methods first.

public static bool HasMethodWithAttribute(Type fixtureType, Type attributeType)

Examine a fixture type and return true if it has a method with a particular attribute.

public static object InvokeMethod(MethodInfo method, object fixture)

Invoke a parameterless method returning void on an object.

public static object InvokeMethod(MethodInfo method, object fixture, object[] args)

Invoke a method, converting any TargetInvocationException to an NUnitException.