The arguments originally provided to the attribute
The author of this fixture
Gets a list of categories for this fixture
Gets and sets the category for this fixture.
May be a comma-separated list of categories.
Descriptive text for this fixture
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this TestFixtureAttribute should be ignored.
Gets or sets the ignore reason. May set Ignored as a side effect.
The type that this fixture is testing
Get or set the type arguments. If not set
explicitly, any leading arguments that are
Types are taken as type arguments.
public TestFixtureAttribute()
Default constructor
Construct with a object[] representing a set of arguments.
In .NET 2.0, the arguments may later be separated into
type arguments and constructor arguments.
Modifies a test by adding a description, if not already set.
Build a SetUpFixture from type provided. Normally called for a Type
on which the attribute has been placed.