<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-alpha-3" />


public class RandomGenerator
RandomGenerator returns a set of random _values in a repeatable way, to allow re-running of tests if necessary. This class is internal to the framework but exposed externally to through the TestContext the class is used to allow for obtaining repeatable random _values during a tests execution. this class should not be used inside the framework only with a TestMethod.
using System; namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal { public class RandomGenerator { public readonly int seed; private Random random; private Random Rand { get { random = ((random == null) ? new Random(seed) : random); return random; } } public RandomGenerator(int seed) { this.seed = seed; } public int GetInt() { return Rand.Next(); } public int GetInt(int min, int max) { return Rand.Next(min, max); } public short GetShort() { return (short)Rand.Next(-32768, 32767); } public short GetShort(short min, short max) { return (short)Rand.Next(min, max); } public byte GetByte() { return (byte)Rand.Next(0, 255); } public byte GetByte(byte min, byte max) { return (byte)Rand.Next(min, max); } public bool GetBool() { return Rand.Next(0, 2) == 0; } public bool GetBool(double probability) { return Rand.NextDouble() < Math.Abs(probability % 1); } public double GetDouble() { return Rand.NextDouble(); } public float GetFloat() { return (float)Rand.NextDouble(); } public T GetEnum<T>() { Array enumValues = TypeHelper.GetEnumValues(typeof(T)); return (T)enumValues.GetValue(Rand.Next(0, enumValues.Length)); } } }