<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-alpha-2" />


public interface ITest : IXmlNodeBuilder
Common interface supported by all representations of a test. Only includes informational fields. The Run method is specifically excluded to allow for data-only representations of a test.
Type FixtureType { get; }

Gets the Type of the test fixture, if applicable, or null if no fixture type is associated with this test.

string FullName { get; }

Gets the fully qualified name of the test

bool HasChildren { get; }

Gets a bool indicating whether the current test has any descendant tests.

int Id { get; }

Gets the id of the test

bool IsSuite { get; }

Returns true if this is a test suite

MethodInfo Method { get; }

Gets a MethodInfo for the method implementing this test. Returns null if the test is not implemented as a method.

string Name { get; }

Gets the name of the test

ITest Parent { get; }

Gets the parent test, if any.

Gets the properties of the test

RunState RunState { get; }

Gets the RunState of the test, indicating whether it can be run.

int TestCaseCount { get; }

Count of the test cases ( 1 if this is a test case )

IList<ITest> Tests { get; }

Gets this test's child tests