<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="2.6.6" />


public class Is
Helper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
public static ConstraintExpression All { get; }

Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following constraint to all members of a collection, succeeding if all of them succeed.

Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in binary format.

public static EmptyConstraint Empty { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for empty

public static FalseConstraint False { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for False

public static NaNConstraint NaN { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for NaN

public static LessThanConstraint Negative { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for a negative value

public static ConstraintExpression Not { get; }

Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any following constraint.

public static NullConstraint Null { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for null

public static CollectionOrderedConstraint Ordered { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection is ordered

public static GreaterThanConstraint Positive { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for a positive value

public static TrueConstraint True { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests for True

public static UniqueItemsConstraint Unique { get; }

Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection contains all unique items.

Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in xml format.

public Is()

public static AssignableFromConstraint AssignableFrom(Type expectedType)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is assignable from the type supplied as an argument.

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is assignable from the type supplied as an argument.

public static AssignableToConstraint AssignableTo(Type expectedType)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is assignable from the type supplied as an argument.

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is assignable from the type supplied as an argument.

public static GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint AtLeast(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument

public static LessThanOrEqualConstraint AtMost(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument

public static EqualConstraint EqualTo(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests two items for equality

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is a collection containing the same elements as the collection supplied as an argument.

public static GreaterThanConstraint GreaterThan(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is greater than the suppled argument

public static GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint GreaterThanOrEqualTo(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument

public static RangeConstraint<T> InRange<T>(T from, T to) where T : IComparable<T>

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value falls within a specified range.

public static InstanceOfTypeConstraint InstanceOf(Type expectedType)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type.

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type.

public static InstanceOfTypeConstraint InstanceOfType(Type expectedType)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type.

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type.

public static LessThanConstraint LessThan(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is less than the suppled argument

public static LessThanOrEqualConstraint LessThanOrEqualTo(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument

public static SameAsConstraint SameAs(object expected)

Returns a constraint that tests that two references are the same object

public static SamePathConstraint SamePath(string expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided is the same as an expected path after canonicalization.

public static SamePathOrUnderConstraint SamePathOrUnder(string expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization.

public static SubstringConstraint StringContaining(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value contains the substring supplied as an argument.

public static EndsWithConstraint StringEnding(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value ends with the substring supplied as an argument.

public static RegexConstraint StringMatching(string pattern)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument.

public static StartsWithConstraint StringStarting(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value starts with the substring supplied as an argument.

public static SubPathConstraint SubPath(string expected)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided is under an expected path after canonicalization.

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is a subset of the collection supplied as an argument.

public static ExactTypeConstraint TypeOf(Type expectedType)

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the exact type supplied as an argument.

public static ExactTypeConstraint TypeOf<T>()

Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value is of the exact type supplied as an argument.