<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="2.6.3" />


public class Text
Helper class with static methods used to supply constraints that operate on strings.
public static ConstraintExpression All { get; }

Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following constraint to all members of a collection, succeeding if all of them succeed.

public Text()

public static SubstringConstraint Contains(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value contains the substring supplied as an argument.

public static SubstringConstraint DoesNotContain(string expected)

Returns a constraint that fails if the actual value contains the substring supplied as an argument.

public static EndsWithConstraint DoesNotEndWith(string expected)

Returns a constraint that fails if the actual value ends with the substring supplied as an argument.

public static RegexConstraint DoesNotMatch(string pattern)

Returns a constraint that fails if the actual value matches the pattern supplied as an argument.

public static StartsWithConstraint DoesNotStartWith(string expected)

Returns a constraint that fails if the actual value starts with the substring supplied as an argument.

public static EndsWithConstraint EndsWith(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value ends with the substring supplied as an argument.

public static RegexConstraint Matches(string pattern)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value matches the Regex pattern supplied as an argument.

public static StartsWithConstraint StartsWith(string expected)

Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual value starts with the substring supplied as an argument.